Visit Biblical Egypt

Visit Biblical Egypt

Visit Biblical Egypt with  MaranathaTours.com!


Join us on an unforgettable journey to Egypt! Cairo, Mt. Sinai, Luxor, Nile River Cruise, and more! Not just a journey, but a Biblical Journey that will keep you coming back for more. You will walk with the Pharaohs, Moses, and Joshua. You can add a Pre-extension that includes a Nile Cruise of Luxor and Aswan.

Starting at $2,799 in EGYPT

All Inclusive Land, air, 2 meals a day, tips, taxes, buses, hotels, and the best guides in Israel. Join today space is limited.

Don’t forget to follow the Chef this November at www.facebook.com/maranathatours and watch as we walk with Jesus in Israel. The Chef will also be in Turkey and Egypt should be fun.

A tour you will want to take that will bring your Bible from Black & White to Color. Call 602-788-8864 or visit Maranathatours.com today to pick your dates and travel in the Steps of Paul. Monthly departures available.

 Visit Biblical Egypt

 Visit Biblical Egypt

The most important decision you will make regarding a Spiritual tour is choosing the company that will arrange the tour for you. You are responsible to and for your people and must be sure they receive the best tour for their dollars spent. We present to you Maranatha Tours, Inc., and suggest you compare other companies to Maranatha before making a commitment. Maranatha Tours specializes in Christian tours that visit places of the Bible or history that has developed our knowledge of the Bible and
believes it is a ministry as well as a business. We have established a record of service and growth unique in this very competitive market.

Maranatha Tours was founded by Richard S. Reilly and Michael S. Reilly to promote Christian group travel. Dick Reilly’s unique background as a missionary in India, director of a mission society for 16 years, pastor, evangelist and a Youth for Christ leader, brought unusual insight into the ways and means of successful group travel. Though Dick Reilly has passed on, his Christian philosophy used in establishing Maranatha Tours lives on. Dick’s son, Michael, as President of Fellowship Tours for 16 years, managed one of the largest tour operations for Christian group travel in the United States and has been President of Maranatha since its opening. We are family owned and have his son, Greg in sales, daughter Jennifer handling all our operations. You will be very pleased with our staff’s professionalism and our concern for each detail.

Maranatha Tours was opened in partnership with Near East Tourist Agency (NET) in Jerusalem, one of the Holy Land’s largest Christian tour operators. NET has its own hotels, motor coaches and management contracts, allowing them full control of all their services in the Holy Land, Jordan, Greece, Egypt, Germany, Europe,  Italy and more.

Greg Reilly

Maranatha Tours



Visit Biblical Egypt

The most important decision you will make regarding a Spiritual tour is choosing the company that will arrange the tour for you. You are responsible to and for your people and must be sure they receive the best tour for their dollars spent. We present to you Maranatha Tours, Inc., and suggest you compare other companies to Maranatha before making a commitment. Maranatha Tours specializes in Christian tours that visit places of the Bible or history that has developed our knowledge of the Bible and
believes it is a ministry as well as a business. We have established a record of service and growth unique in this very competitive market.

Maranatha Tours was founded by Richard S. Reilly and Michael S. Reilly to promote Christian group travel. Dick Reilly’s unique background as a missionary in India, director of a mission society for 16 years, pastor, evangelist and a Youth for Christ leader, brought unusual insight into the ways and means of successful group travel. Though Dick Reilly has passed on, his Christian philosophy used in establishing Maranatha Tours lives on. Dick’s son, Michael, as President of Fellowship Tours for 16 years, managed one of the largest tour operations for Christian group travel in the United States and has been President of Maranatha since its opening. We are family owned and have his son, Greg in sales, daughter Jennifer handling all our operations. You will be very pleased with our staff’s professionalism and our concern for each detail.

Maranatha Tours was opened in partnership with Near East Tourist Agency (NET) in Jerusalem, one of the Holy Land’s largest Christian tour operators. NET has its own hotels, motor coaches and management contracts, allowing them full control of all their services in the Holy Land, Jordan, Greece, Egypt, Germany, Europe,  Italy and more.

Visit Biblical Egypt

Greg Reilly


Greg Reilly: Greg "The Chef Reilly" was born in Michigan and moved to Arizona where he grew up Loving the Heat. He graduated from Western Culinary Institute in Portland, OR. Shortly after "Grinding His Way" through the culinary ranks, he made his dream come true and opened up his own restaurant.
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