Travel with Purpose The Church of All Nations Israel Maranatha Tours

Travel with Purpose The Church of All Nations Israel Maranatha Tours

Plan your 2021 - 2022 Tour Today!

Walk with us in The Church of All Nations Israel


Walk with us in The Church of All Nations Israel

The Church of All Nations, also known as the Church or Basilica of the Agony, is a church located on the Mount of Olives in East Jerusalem, next to the Garden of Gethsemane. It enshrines a section of bedrock where Jesus is said to have prayed before his arrest. (Mark 14:32–42)

The Church of All Nations rests on the foundations of two earlier ones, that of a 4th-century Byzantine basilica, destroyed by an earthquake in 746, and of a small 12th-century Crusader chapel abandoned in 1345. In 1920, during work on the foundations, a column was found two meters beneath the floor of the medieval crusader chapel. Fragments of a magnificent mosaic were also found. Following this discovery, the architect immediately removed the new foundations and began excavations of the earlier church. After the remains of the Byzantine-era church were fully excavated, plans for the new church were altered and work continued on the current basilica from April 19, 1922 until June 1924 when it was consecrated.

Malcolm Cartier takes us on a tour of The Church of All Nations

The Church of All Nations facade is supported by a row of Corinthian columns. Atop each column sits statues of the Four Evangelists, Mark, Luke holds a quote from Luke 22:43–44 “…factus in agonia prolixius orabat et factus est sudor eius sicut guttae sanguinis decurrentis in terram" or translated from the Vulgate, "And being in agony he prayed more earnestly; and his sweat became like great drops of blood falling down to the ground." Followed by Matthew holding Matthew 26:42 "Pater mi, si non potest hic calix transire nisi bibam illum, fiat voluntas tua" or translated “My Father, if this cup cannot pass unless I drink it, your will be done.” The final statue is of John. The columns and statues are set below a modern mosaic depicting Jesus Christ as mediator between God and man.

An open altar located in the gardens of the church is used by many Christian denominations including followers who are Roman Catholic, Eastern Orthodox, Armenian Apostolic, Protestant, Lutheran, Evangelical, Anglican, and any other version of Christianity that is culturally unique to any particular Nation.

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Travel with Purpose The Church of All Nations Israel Maranatha Tours

Plan your 2021 Tour of Israel Today

Maranatha Tours Tour Guide Travel Book

In the Maranatha Tour Guide you will find itineraries, dates and prices for a few of the tours we have traveling Though The Bible. If after looking at the Tour Guide you find that the dates do not work with your schedule, please let us know. We will then see if we have other tours available that will match your needs. We have groups traveling throughout the year that might be a good fit.
Also, we have listed other trips that our Tour Hosts allowed us to show on our website. Please visit maranathatours.com and click Hosted Tours. Look for the dates you would like to go and see if there is space available on your requested tour. Each Tour Host listed is excited about you joining them on their trip of a lifetime.

If you would like to sign up for one of the enclosed tours, simply fill out the reservation form and return it along with your deposit to our office. We will then send you additional information regarding the tour.

If you are a Tour Host or Clergy: Join us on a ‘Your Tour’ customized to your exact specifications. Tour where and how you like. You can build the cost on a large or small group, with minimal increase for the latter. Other factors such as departure dates, length of tour, additional destinations, classification of hotels, site selection, specific guide requests and special times for study and devotion can be included in the planning of ‘your’ tour. We look forward to hearing from you and serving you on YOUR “Trip of a Lifetime.”

Travel with Purpose The Church of All Nations Israel Maranatha Tours

Travel with Purpose The Church of All Nations Israel Maranatha Tours

Greg Reilly: Greg "The Chef Reilly" was born in Michigan and moved to Arizona where he grew up Loving the Heat. He graduated from Western Culinary Institute in Portland, OR. Shortly after "Grinding His Way" through the culinary ranks, he made his dream come true and opened up his own restaurant.
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