Tiberias Tours

Tiberias Tours

Traveling Thru The Bible Show

Tiberias, located on the shores of Lake Kineret, is Israel’s lowest city at 200 meters below sea level, and it attracts thousands of tourists and travelers each year.

Herod Antipas founded the city in 17-22 C.E., naming it after his patron, the Roman Emperor Tiberius. In the second through tenth centuries, Tiberias was the largest Jewish city in the Galilee, the Jewish people’s political and religious hub, as well as the center of Jewish spiritual creativity.

South of the Old City is Hamat Tiberias, which includes seventeen hot springs whose 60-degree Celsius waters are infused with approximately 100 minerals with unique therapeutic qualities that can be found only here. The site’s healing capabilities have been known for 2,000 years and the baths have attracted people from all over the world. The waters from the springs feed the renowned Tiberias Springs spa.

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    By Maranatha Tours


    Greg Reilly: Greg "The Chef Reilly" was born in Michigan and moved to Arizona where he grew up Loving the Heat. He graduated from Western Culinary Institute in Portland, OR. Shortly after "Grinding His Way" through the culinary ranks, he made his dream come true and opened up his own restaurant.
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