Footsteps of Paul Greece Tour Agean Cruise Maranatha Tours

Footsteps of Paul Greece Tour Agean Cruise Maranatha Tours

Footsteps of Paul Greece Tour Agean Cruise Join us September 22 - 29, 2020
$3,099 All Inclusive Tour

A journey to Greece! We want to invite you on an unforgettable journey in the footsteps of Paul which is filled with ancient biblical history, culture and spiritual blessings. Visit the sites important to the ministry of Paul and history of the Empire of ancient Greece.

This journey will provide you a deeper understanding of scriptures traveling thru the lands of the Bible. You will get a closer look at the life of Paul and His mission of redemption. When you make this journey in the company of friends and others of like mind, you can look forward to an unforgettable experience. Picture yourself in biblical cities you’ve always read about like Athens, Corinth, Thessalonica, Philippi, Berea and more.

You can read your way through the New Testament, or you can bring it to life with an all-inclusive trip to where it all took place. At the end of this tour two things will most certainly be changed, you, and your understanding of the Bible.

Join us on this life changing tour.

Footsteps of Paul Greece Tour Agean Cruise Maranatha Tours

Greg Reilly: Greg "The Chef Reilly" was born in Michigan and moved to Arizona where he grew up Loving the Heat. He graduated from Western Culinary Institute in Portland, OR. Shortly after "Grinding His Way" through the culinary ranks, he made his dream come true and opened up his own restaurant.
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