Different ways to avoid getting sick while traveling.
How to avoid getting sick while traveling. Different ways to avoid getting sick while traveling. 1 . The safety of the water coming out of the tap largely depends on location. While most tap water is safe in the US, tap water in other countries might not be as clean. Developing countries especially may not have access to clean water; while visiting these countries, make sure you opt for bottled 2. In the same vein, you may not want to get ice with your drink. If the ice was made from tap water, it may not be safe to consume. Freezing bacteria doesn’t always kill it. Skip the ice if you can. 3. The inside of an airplane is a hotbed for bacteria. Planes can’t be thoroughly cleaned between flights 4. In addition to keeping your hands off of the more bacteria-ridden surfaces, you also want to keep your hands off of your face. Though you’ll do your best not to touch any of the dirtiest areas of the airport and your plane, it’s impossible to avoid touching 5. Water glasses are often cleaned with glass cleaner rather than actual soap and water; glass cleaner is known to be toxic when consumed by humans. Depending on the hotel, water glasses and mugs might not be cleaned between guest. If you have to use the glasses provided in your room, make sure to wash them thoroughly (with bottled water, if you want to be extra cautious) before 6. It sounds simple, but it’s effective. Just like you need to wash your hands often at home, you also need to wash your hands often while traveling abroad. In fact, you should probably wash your hands more often. When you travel, you more often come into contact with surfaces that may harbor bacteria. Your hotel room, for instance, is teeming with germs. |