Birthday Shout Outs: Aug. 25-31

Birthday Shout Outs: Aug. 25-31

These are the Birthday Shout Outs: Aug. 25-31 from the kids at Traveling Thru The Bible Show and Maranatha Tours. Happy Birthday

Traveling Thru The Bible Show


Don’t forget to download our NEW APP HERE! For the iPad or iPhone your going to use it in the states and when traveling.

Want some really Good and Easy recipes? Check out Chef Reilly as we find some great recipes and cook thru the Bible. www.cookingthruthelandsofthebible.com

    The most important decision you will make regarding a Spiritual tour is choosing the company that will arrange the tour for you. You are responsible to and for your people and must be sure they receive the best tour for their dollars spent. We present to you Maranatha Tours, Inc., and suggest you compare other companies to Maranatha before making a commitment.

    Maranatha Tours specializes in Christian tours that visit places of the Bible or history that has developed our knowledge of the Bible and believes it is a ministry as well as a business. We have established a record of service and growth unique in this very competitive market.

    By Maranatha Tours


    Greg Reilly: Greg "The Chef Reilly" was born in Michigan and moved to Arizona where he grew up Loving the Heat. He graduated from Western Culinary Institute in Portland, OR. Shortly after "Grinding His Way" through the culinary ranks, he made his dream come true and opened up his own restaurant.
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